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How to Mentally Prepare for an Interview: 24 Hours

How to Mentally Prepare for an Interview 24h

Preparing for an interview goes beyond just researching the company and rehearsing your answers. It’s crucial to be mentally prepared to ensure you perform your best during the interview. In this article, we will guide you through the 24 hours leading up to your interview, providing relaxation tips and techniques to help you stay focused and battle nerves. By following these guidelines, you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of interview success. 


24 Hours Before the Interview: 

  • Review your research: Go through the company’s website, mission statement, recent news, and the job description. Refresh your knowledge about the role and the organisation to ensure you are well-prepared to discuss them during the interview. 
  • Visualise success: Spend a few minutes visualising yourself confidently answering interview questions, engaging with the interviewer, and leaving a positive impression. Picture yourself succeeding in the interview and securing the job. 
  • Plan your outfit and logistics: Choose a suitable and professional outfit for the interview, ensuring it is clean, ironed, and ready to wear. Plan your transportation, and if it’s a virtual interview, make sure your equipment and internet connection are in good working order. 

12 Hours Before the Interview: 

  • Relaxation techniques: Engage in activities that help you relax and reduce stress. This could include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or listening to calming music. Find what works best for you and take time to unwind. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: Prioritise a full night of restful sleep. Avoid caffeine and electronic devices before bed, and create a calm and comfortable environment conducive to sleep. A good night’s rest will help you feel refreshed and mentally sharp on the day of the interview. 

4 Hours Before the Interview: 

  • Review your notes: Go through any notes you have prepared, including potential interview questions and your key talking points. This will help reinforce your knowledge and boost your confidence. 
  • Eat a balanced meal: Choose a nutritious meal that provides sustained energy and avoid heavy or greasy foods that may make you feel sluggish. Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water. 
  • Engage in light physical activity: Participate in light exercise or take a short walk to increase blood circulation and release endorphins, which will help reduce anxiety and improve focus. 

1 Hour Before the Interview: 

  • Review your appearance: Double-check your outfit, ensuring it is clean, well-fitted, and appropriate for the interview. Pay attention to grooming details and ensure you feel confident and comfortable in your appearance. 
  • Warm up your voice: Perform vocal warm-up exercises to ensure your voice is clear, strong, and expressive. This will help you speak confidently and articulate your thoughts during the interview. 
  • Practice positive self-talk: Remind yourself of your skills, qualifications, and past achievements. Replace any negative thoughts with positive affirmations to boost your confidence and maintain a positive mindset. 
  • Take deep breaths: Practise deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves and centre yourself. Focus on slow, deep breaths that help you relax and stay grounded in the present moment. 

During the interview: 

  • Stay focused and present: Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and respond thoughtfully. Maintain eye contact and actively engage in the conversation. Avoid distractions and focus solely on the interview. 
  • Take your time: Don’t rush your answers. Take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. If you need clarification on a question, don’t hesitate to ask for it. 
  • Be yourself: Remember to be authentic and genuine throughout the interview. Showcase your skills and experiences honestly, and let your personality shine through. The interviewer is looking for the right fit for the role and the company culture. 
  • Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude even if you encounter difficult or unexpected questions. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it gracefully and move on. Keep your enthusiasm and passion for the role evident throughout the interview. 

By following these guidelines and taking care of your mental well-being leading up to the interview, you’ll be better equipped to handle nerves, focus on the task at hand, and perform your best. Good luck! 

If you are looking for your next role in procurement, contact us for a chat on how we can help you reach your career objectives. 

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Procurement Recruitment by Procurement Professionals. As a professional who has worked in procurement myself, I have an intimate understanding of the skills, qualifications, and qualities needed to excel in this field.

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